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Sell investment property(ies) discreetly

As a private individual, real estate agent, company, family office or institutional investor, sell residential real estate from a purchase price of 500,000 euros.

You would like to sell your investment property(ies) discreetly?

Are you the owner of one or more condominiums or apartment buildings in the Koblenz, Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf or Ruhr region?

We look for the right property for our clients from a purchase price of 500,000 euros.

We have the customers who want to buy

Our clients are private individuals and companies who wish to invest in residential real estate as a capital investment.

They are always pre-qualified by us, know exactly what they are looking for and can always show a current financing confirmation. This allows us to make decisions quickly, bindingly and, above all, uncomplicatedly.

We will respond to your request within 24 hours.

Advantages for private sellers & brokers

As a private seller or commissioned estate agent, you have the advantage that the property is not put online when it is sold and is therefore not made available to a wide mass of people.

Family, friends and acquaintances as well as people from the same place of residence do not hear about a sale.

We also handle special constellations through our legal experts. Be it in the case of a community of heirs, a will and compulsory execution or even a divorce.

If you have individual wishes, such as a We are happy to assist with finding a new property, help with moving out/clearing out and obtaining documents if required.

Advantages for professional sellers

As a professional seller, we offer you access to a broad and creditworthy customer base. This increases the likelihood of finding a suitable buyer with just one enquiry.

Thanks to our pre-qualified clients, the entire process from due diligence to signing at the notary’s office is carried out reliably and professionally – even for real estate packages and properties with a seven-figure volume.

Our clients stand out in particular for making quick and binding decisions. Thanks to our thorough preparation with a clear search profile, we are able to provide faster feedback than is usual in the market and, if a suitable property is found, we can start implementation as quickly as possible.

PREIV Immobilien GmbH Sale of investment property_real estate Investment property as a capital investment Sebastian Sauer

Wir werden Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von 24 Stunden beantworten.

The steps in the discreet sale of your investment property(ies)

PREIV Immobilien GmbH Fill out form Real Estate Sale

1: Make a discreet sales enquiry

Click on the button “Submit discreet sales enquiry” and you will be taken to the corresponding form for the property details.

PREIV Immobilien GmbH First interview Phone

2: We contact
you by telephone

Based on your enquiry, we will contact you briefly by phone to let you know if we have the right buyer for your property.

PREIV Immobilien GmbH First meeting Target

3: Discuss further procedure

Once we have a suitable buyer, we will discuss the next steps with you.

We will answer your request within 24 hours.