Results - Successfully notarised real estate investments

Multi-family houses & flats of PREIV clients and own portfolio

million market value
0 +
0 +
sqm living space
0 +
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-family house Düsseldorf Gerresheim

Apartment house
Düsseldorf – Gerresheim

  • Market value: > 2 Mio. Euro
  • 11 residential units
  • Between 750 and 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-family house Koblenz district Lützel

Multi-family houses
Koblenz – Lützel

  • Market value: 1 – 1,5 Mio. Euro
  • 8 residential units
  • Between 500 und 750 qm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-family house Essen Bocholt

Multi-family houses
Essen – Bochold

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 6 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house in Neuwied Engers

Multi-family houses
Neuwied – Engers

  • Market value: > 2 Mio. Euro
  • 16 residential units
  • more than 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house in Koblenz district Lützel

Multi-family houses
Koblenz – Lützel

  • Market value: > 2 Mio. Euro
  • 12 residential units
  • Between 750 and 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH multi family house Duisburg Hochemmerich

Multi-family houses

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 8 residential units
  • Between 500 und 750 qm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH multi family house Hilden Karnop

Multi-family houses
Hilden – Karnap

  • Market value: 1 – 1,5 Mio. Euro
  • 7 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-family house Düsseldorf Flingern-Süd

Multi-family houses
Düsseldorf – Flingern

  • Market value: 1 – 1,5 Mio. Euro
  • 7 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Düsseldorf Oberbilk

Multi-family houses
Düsseldorf – Oberbilk

  • Market value: > 2 Mio. Euro
  • 14 residential units
  • Between 750 and 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Mülheim-Kärlich

Multi-family houses

  • Market value: 1,5 – 2 Mio. Euro
  • 10 residential units
  • Between 750 and 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Düsseldorf Lohausen

Apartment house

  • Market value: 1 – 1,5 Mio. Euro
  • 7 residential units
  • Between 500 und 750 qm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Koblenz district Neuendorf

Multi-family houses
Koblenz – Neuendorf

  • Market value: 1,5 – 2 Mio. Euro
  • 12 residential units
  • Between 750 and 1000 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Mülheim Broich

Multi-family houses
Mülheim – Broich

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 6 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house in Koblenz Spay

Multi-family houses
Spay (Koblenz area)

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 7 residential units
  • Between 500 und 750 qm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Düsseldorf Bilk

Multi-family houses
Düsseldorf – Bilk

  • Market value: 1,5 – 2 Mio. Euro
  • 12 residential units
  • Between 500 und 750 qm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Flat Koblenz Neuendorf

Koblenz – Lützel

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 4 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Düsseldorf Hassels

Multi-family houses
Düsseldorf – Hassels

  • Market value: 1 – 1,5 Mio. Euro
  • 8 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Windhagen

Multi-family houses

  • Market value: 0,5 – 1 Mio. Euro
  • 5 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Multi-Family house Mülheim-Kärlich

Multi-family houses

  • Market value: Up to 500 thousand Euro
  • 3 residential units
  • Between 250 and 500 sqm living space
PREIV Immobilien GmbH Flats in a package in Cologne Bilderstöckchen


  • Market value: Up to 500 thousand Euro
  • 1 flat
  • Up to 100 sqm living space

In addition, a large number of multi-family houses & flats, e.g. in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Berlin, Bad Honnef, in the Koblenz area & in the Ruhr area has been notarised.

You would like us to advise & accompany you in the process of buying an investment property as well?

The advice & support of the real estate purchase process is very individual. For this reason, we find out in advance whether a cooperation is suitable in principle.

PREIV Real Estate Investment Application for initial interview

1: Consultation

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PREIV Real Estate Investment Application for Initial Interview Telephone Handset

2: We contact
you by telephone

Based on your request, we will contact you briefly by phone to find out if and how we can help you.

PREIV Real Estate Investment Application for First Interview Target

3: Free consultation

If it looks like we can help you further, we will make an appointment for the free consultation.